Head Engaged

Quick baby update: Nic had her weekly doctor’s appointment today, and found out that the head is almost completely engaged. Different sources say different things about the meaning of this information. Some would have you believe that this means the baby is gonna be here in a week or two. Others say that the head could be engaged for 5 weeks or more…
All I know is, if that baby doesn’t come out soon, Nic’s gonna pop!

5 thoughts on “Head Engaged

  1. when is Nic’s actual due date? it seems like we JUST found out you guys were gonna have a baby! time flies!
    btw, who else is pregnant that I might know?? (you posted on that a month ago or so, Jon)

  2. Well let’s see there’s…
    – The person who identifies themselves as “Me” in the above comment, having her second.
    – Brian and Melissa having their first (and our kids are gonna have to be friends)
    – Brent and Christy… hopefully I’m not outing them, cause I’m pretty sure everyone knows by now.
    – And our New York friends Brooke and Jason

  3. Yay for you guys…so exciting! Can you post an updated pic of Nic’s belly? It’s just so darn cute!
    And by the way, I tried to post a comment earlier and it didn’t work (I’m so tech savvy). I just want to say that Nic looks so beautiful in that pic of you guys eating at the casino 🙂

  4. Let me explain the “discrepancy” in the reported time between the head engaging and the delivery. With first babies they usually move more slowly through the birth canal so that labour “tends” to start 4-6 weeks after the head engages. With subsequent deliveries labour tends to start 0-2 weeks after the head engages. The first one does kind of pave the way for thier younger sibs.

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