Weekend Update

I know Wednesday is a little late to be writing about the weekend, but this week has flown by, and I haven’t had much processing time.
Friday, our “adopted” sister Acasia arrived, via train, in New York.
Saturday we prepared the church for a huge baptism weekend.
Between Saturday and Sunday, across 5 services, over 80 people were baptized. The best thing about working at a church is seeing lives change. And this weekend, people lined up around the two sanctuaries, to get in a freezing cold pool, to tell everyone that they loved Jesus and that He had changed their lives. It was awesome, and tear jerking, and just such a great reward to be able to see that and participate in it.
Sunday afternoon, we got almost our whole crew together (although we did miss a couple of you) and headed to Poughkeepsie, NY for an awesome concert. The teens were a riot. We went grocery shopping for Daniel Fast-friendly food, then we went to Toys R Us to see how long it would take for them to get kicked out. I’m pretty sure the manager had a toy lightsaber up his butt, because it really didn’t take long, but that’s OK, cause we had a good time.
Benjamin went everywhere we went, and loved (almost) every second of it — although by the end of the weekend he was a little over-stimulated and we were very grateful to hand him off to Nate and his family who babysat for a couple hours while we recuperated.
Oh, and then on Monday morning, after another trip to the train station, I went to the doctor and got the last of my stitches and bandages removed. My arm looks pretty gross, but I can walk around with it unwrapped, for the first time in nearly 2 months, and it feels great — as long as nothing touches it. Another month or so and it should be mostly healed.

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