For Dooce

Heather Armstrong was about 5 years older than us. She also started her blog, dooce, in 2001, and became Internet-famous in 2002 when it got her fired. Turns out her co-workers did not enjoy her writing about them online. The term “dooced” became a short-hand for losing your job over your Internet activities. The Instagram and Tik Tok generation should take notes…

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Usefully Wrong – The Problem with Generative AI

I’m not saying ChatGPT, Bard and other generative AI should go away — the genie is out of the bottle, so there’s nothing that can be done about that. I’m saying that we need to approach this technology evolution not with awe and wonder and ignorance, but instead learn from the lessons of the past few decades, and carefully think through the unintended consequences of yet-another-algorithm in our lives…

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Jelly 2 – A phone that fits in your pocket

We’ve all kind of accepted our fate when it comes to smart phones. Apple and Google make the OS, control the app ecosystem, and we get to choose from a virtually identical selection of slabs as our hardware, made by one of three vendors, all competing to make bigger phones every year, without adding any new features except evolutionary improvements in the cameras. Its not just boring, its stupid.

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